Blog Posts

Knox Asian Festival Wins 2024 Iris Award – Stars of Industry

The Knox Asian Festival has been recognized with the prestigious Iris Award in the "Stars of Industry" category by the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development ( This award honors our festival’s contributions to promoting cultural diversity and community...

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Met Hiroshima City Mayor Kazumi Matsui

Thank you so much for welcoming us. We toured the Hiroshima Peace memorial museum with the Executive Director. We learned about each item's history. Mayor Kincannon gave a flower wreath to show respect at the peace park. We learned that the Hiroshima Mayor serves as...

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Iwakuni City Mayor Fukuda Welcomed Mayor Kincannon

We visited Iwakuni Mayor Fukuda. Iwakuni city became a very important city between the USA and  Japan Relationship. Also Kintai Bridge serves as a symbol of Iwakuni and is one of the three most beautiful structures of its kind in all of Japan.

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Dassai Sake Factory Visitation

Thank you so much for the educational Guide through the Dassai Sake factory. President Sakurai welcomed Mayor Kincannon and her family. We were so impressed by their process of making sake which is very number oriented. Dassai Blue opened Factory in NY in 2023. We can...

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Welcome Events at the Muroran City

Our Cedar Bluff middle school delegation team had 19 people this year. Total 25 delegation teammates went to Muroran city. I met several people who visited Knoxville again. We had a wonderful dinner together. I also visited the room where Prof.Paul Watkins pottery was...

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Muroran Chamber of Commerce Meeting

Muroran Chamber of commerce and industry's President Mr.Yoshiyuki Nakata and his wife Kumiko invited us to their office.  100 years anniversary for Muroran Chamber. 

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